Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Suspense Blog

William Sparkman
Creative Writing
Suspense Blog
If I could take only five DVD’s from my burning house I’d probably try and spread the range of genre’s out. I’ll start with a drama and go with Crash. I feel that this movie has a message that is important to all. I would also grab Adaptation, its one of my favorite movie’s outright. I would then go to a documentary film entitled Grizzly Man. The raw emotion of this movie and the reality of what he accomplished in the film was amazing. Next I would go with a documentary entitled I Am Trying To Break Your Heart. This is a film about the band Wilco and the struggle they had making their acclaimed album Yankee Hotel Foxtrot. Last, but not least, I would take the box set of The Office. The BBC version, not the American one. This show changed everything I loved in Television comedy.
I think believe that one of the most suspenseful films that I have is Crash. This movie may not be suspense in the typical way but it definitely has its own spin on it. There are two scenes that I recall being the most suspenseful in the movie. The first is when Matt Dillon’s character is trying to remove the woman from the car. She realizes who he is and doesn’t want his help. She also realizes that if she doesn’t accept his help she will probably die.
The next, which to me is the best scene in the movie, is when the locksmith’s daughter apparently gets shot. The emotions that come out of, not only the father, but also the mother and the shop owner who shot her is amazing. He did not know that there were blanks in the gun but when he shot her he realized what he did.

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