Friday, December 1, 2006

Our Blog

William Sparkman
Dec 1 2006
Our Blog
I have not seen a great deal of horror films, although one does stick out in my mind. 28 Days Later is an intense, moving story while also doing a good job creating the zombies and sticking to the horror genre. I think it is great because not only does it give you the horror aspect but also tackles social issues. What if an island, like Great Britain, did have cases of a disease that was extremely contagious? What would the rest of the world do? Would they quarantine them as they did in the movie? Would the world leaders decide to sacrifice the lives of millions to save billions of people? These questions are all brought up in the film. They are important because the possibility of something, although not exactly like the film, but something similar is quite possible. Take sars for example, everyone was afraid that it would spread and kill many people. These issues are very relevant today. What really amuses me about the movie is the reason the epidemic started was because of animal rights activist.
I think that there will always be an abundance of horror films out there. It seems to me that many horror films, many of lesser quality, continue to be produced because there is a demand for them. The challenge, I feel, is for there to be a breakthrough of many good horror films. I would like to see more horror films that make you think and bring social questions in to the picture.

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