Friday, December 8, 2006

Industry Blog

William Sparkman
Industry Blog
I think the film industry will always have its blockbuster films. They are very important to keeping the industry alive. I see the industry moving towards a more artful direction. More and more people are getting into low budget indie films. With the availabilities that the world has today there is much more out there to see. It is easier to find smaller films therefore they are becoming more accepted among the general population. As that happens the films are also being recognized by award shows. The outlets for film are so much more abundant than that of the years past. A film that no one could have seen 20 years ago is easily accessible on the web or at one of many film festivals.
I don’t really believe that any certain genre is going to be produced less. If I had to pick I’d say maybe mobster films. That era of time is over and there have been numerous films about it. There will still be plenty of films made about that era, maybe just a little less than before.

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